If you are interested in a satin finish requiring low maintenance then an oil finish is the way to go. After the penetrating oil for two coats and plenty of drying time for two days, flood the surface with oil and wet and just lightly with 320 sandpaper touch the surface all over. This is meant to be done quickly as each successive coat will catch any areas unsanded from last time. The trick is to wipe back each coat until there are no streaks but a sheen left. This allows you to not have to worry about not having hit all the areas carefully with sandpaper. Each coat should dry for one day. I like three coats, five with the penetrating oil, for doors, five for a cockpit table, 9 for an interior table and 12 for floors. The floors will never soil and after 10 years with just soap and water will look like the day you put them down. The tables can be maintained with Lemon Pledge. The best trick is sanding with Watco Dark Wax after all the oil coats with 600 grit paper for the interior table. It will look like a museum piece.
Companionway Doors Install Kits Now Have All Three Locks, Hasp, Keyed, and Combination
Cruising Concepts will now ship as standard locks of all three types for their doors in one kit. This will include the traditional thick SS