In preparing for oil finishes I use Daly’s Seafin “Ship N Shore” penetrating oil before any other finishing. After sanding I apply a soaking coat and wait 30 minutes before applying a second coat. The first coat is usually absorbed entirely. The second coat sits on the surface mostly and makes sure that all areas have been liberally treated. After another 30 minutes the second coat is wiped back without streaks and racked to dry for several days. Drying may be determined be placing the palm of your hand on the surface once a day until it no longer feels cool to the touch. Sometimes 3 to 4 days is required before the next step.
Companionway Doors Install Kits Now Have All Three Locks, Hasp, Keyed, and Combination
Cruising Concepts will now ship as standard locks of all three types for their doors in one kit. This will include the traditional thick SS